sidered striking for better working conditions, but have had to give that up as unworkable (knowing the boss as I do). Instead I am going to devote consid- erable of my now more available time and energy to building it up so that the increased profit will filter down from the heights of management to this all purpose slave in the basement. I am therefore going to have to increase the number of subscriptions by advertising and in every other way. I solicit the help of my readers in this. First, I hope I can continue to merit your own subscriptions by produc- ing a magazine that you will want and enjoy; second, I hope some of the free loaders who enjoy it but, like parasites, live off of someone else's subscrip- tion, will realize that to keep going I must have subscriptions and will take out their own; thirdly, please urge any new TVs that you hear about or meet, and old subscribers who have fallen away, to support Chevalier and its various efforts, and finally to help get the publication on news-stands in your city. Of course only special kinds of news-stands will be willing to carry such material but these stands are visited by TVs seeking information (even you and me) and will find it. In short I have tried for seven years (and will continue) to help my readers, now I ask my readers to return the favor by helping me, and incidentally all of those TVs still "out there".
I will have many projects to keep me busy, I'll probably be as wound up as before. I have, of course the book with UCLA psychology Dept. for which a good many questionaires have been sent out (incidentally any who received them and did not complete and return them are urged to cooperate by doing so), I have my own book which I started work on in Hawaii, and I have been asked by a paper-back company to do one for general distribution which would be a great way of finding new TVs. I hope to expand the number and quality of my lectures, that is by getting on a regular lecture circuit rather than just to service clubs. Radio and TV interviews are beginning to dev- elop too. Already a California educational TV station